Aaaand it’s lockdown again.


Setting up my workspace in the house is 100% the best decision that I made last year, oh that and buying a shoulder massager (such a game changer!).

Once again we're in lockdown, and understandably a lot of people are feeling terrible, if that's you then I'm really sorry and I’m sending you love, be good to yourself (hey, maybe buy a shoulder massager!).

In my house this lockdown is being spent very much like the last, making beautiful flowery things. This time, however, the focus is much more on getting things launched on time. I said it'd be February so it has to be February.

I moved the launch date planned before Christmas due to a lockdown. I wanted people to spend their Christmas shopping money on self-employed small business (which I'm not, this goes alongside a full-time job), plus I was very quickly running out of time because I was doing so many hours at work.

The plan is going ahead this time though and I can't wait!

The website is more or less done, I’ve got little cards being printed to go inside the packages, and labels with my logo on. I need to make a load of star boxes (so far I can't find a single company who will make them for me - any recommendations welcome), finish some sets of earrings, put together one or two more crowns and combs, photograph EVERYTHING, connect the pay system to the webshop, list it all, order a few more boxes and umm…hopefully that's it.

Stay safe everyone x


My website is going live tomorrow!


Filling my days in lockdown.