
I'm writing this because I absolutely do not expect you to support my business if you don't feel like I support you.

I'm going to try and make this as succinct as possible.

I make Jewellery, that's what I do every day.

Jewellery is wonderful because it can and should be worn by literally anybody.

It is not affected by what colour your skin is,

what shape you are,

what gender you are,

what your sexuality is,

what your disability is,

what language you speak or what age you are.

It is my responsibility as a maker to ensure that I am conscious of representation when it comes to models and collaborators.

That I am conscious of my environmental impact.

That I understand and recognise if something is cultural appropriation.

That I support small businesses.

That I show respect to everybody.

That I speak out when I see injustice.

That I continually educate myself on the issues that affect you all and that I act on those via donations and signatures when possible.